Are your investments aligned with your Republican values?
They should be.
Are your investments aligned with your Republican values?
They should be.
Are your investments aligned with your Republican values?
They should be.
“Politically responsible investing. Cause-based, socially responsible investment strategies”
In The News
Varney & Co: Upcoming DeSantis v. Newsom Debate, and the Establishment Rallies Behind Nikki Haley
There’s a big debate tomorrow between America’s two most prominent governors! I spoke with Stuart Varney about the debate, upcoming GOP primary, and how Nikki Haley is playing into Trump’s hands.
Cavuto Interview: 2023 Elections’ Focus on Abortion; Big GOP Debate Tonight
Big debate tonight! I spoke with Neil Cavuto about last night’s elections and the upcoming GOP debate.
Cavuto Interview: Opportunities for DeSantis in Next GOP Debate
Hal Lambert discussed the upcoming Republican debate and, OF COURSE, the polls on Fox Business. Does Governor DeSantis need a breakout performance?
Hear from Hal
Starbucks Founder could run as an independent, just to deny Trump a second term!
Starbucks Founder Howard Schultz announced Monday that he will step down as Executive Chairman of the company he founded 36 years ago. During his tenure, Starbucks has shown itself to be very left politically. Schultz is now setting himself up to run for...
Has Disney’s ESPN Activated Alinsky’s Rule #13 on President Trump?
“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Rule 13, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals As the owner of ESPN, Disney is singlehandedly the most responsible corporation for the divisiveness in sports today. Disney seems to be directly...
Are Disney and ESPN Kneeling for the Democrats and Alt Left?
ESPN deserves much of the blame for the national anthem protests at NFL games. Most people do not realize that Disney, the parent company (owner) of ESPN, is the third largest contributor to Democrats, behind only Google and Time Warner in the S&P 500...

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